Health Leadership Consultant
Damian's expertise lies in the field of Organisational Studies, and he has particular interest in complex organisations which rely on expert and/or professional knowledge. He has published over 50 academic papers, 5 books and some 17 commissioned research reports in this field. He has worked extensively on co-produced research with a range of collaborating organisations, including the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, The Health Foundation and numerous NHS Foundation Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups. Damian's research focuses on the transformation of health and care and he has led a suite of research projects over the last 12 years examining skill-mix and workforce transformation, primary care and mental health reorganisation, access to care and continuity of care, the role of policy piloting, and the integration of health and care in collaboration with a range of colleagues. He has worked on several NIHR-funded projects in healthcare, researching the development of GP federations, digital capture of patient experience data, and leadership in healthcare.