About the Client
ResPeo was commissioned by The Universal Healthcare Network at London Southbank University, a network of senior NHS leaders, community leaders, and thought leaders, who have mobilized to address their concerns about the NHS’s provision of Universal Healthcare. The Network aims to make the reality of inequalities in service provision visible, and to work through how best to secure services that are designed around health needs. To this end, they were running working with NHS West Yorkshire and NHS Sussex Integrated Care Systems to run Innovation and Change Labs in Bradford and Hastings respectively.
Our Work
We conducted a process evaluation of the Innovation and Change Labs helping the Network to understand participants’ experiences of the labs, what had worked well and what had not, what the perceived impact of the labs had been, and how the labs had enabled co-production with communities.
We gathered evidence through a mixed methods approach including: ethnographic observation of the labs themselves as well as briefing and organisational meetings, participant surveys, and semi-structured interviews with representatives of all the stakeholder groups.
We produced interim and final reports in an accessible slide deck format with illustrations and infographics, that outlined the lessons learned to help design future systems change programmes. The work has informed London Southbank University's National Inquiry Report.